Business partner wanted

We are looking for a partner for sales and customer service in the field of recharchable batteries for all kinds of mobile electronic devices. Currently we are operating online stores in 15 European countries in close collaboration with our partners.

We offer expert know-how in the area of recharchable batteries, a fully featured web shop with over 100000 items and highly competitive prices for customers and resellers. Through our national and international activities, we have years of experience to lead an online store to success.

Unconditional Requirements:

  • Familiarity with the PC and the Internet
  • Experience with an ERP system
  • Technical understanding
  • Experience in dealing with technical products and information
  • Your company has experience in the operation of online stores
  • Verifiable references
  • English and / or German language skills
  • Independent work habits

With your help we will create an online store in your language and lay the foundations that your shop will be found on the web as well.

We will support you in the efficient placement of online adverts (Google Adwords, etc.). And we will also advise you in the use of other advertising and sales promotion activities.

Our product offering includes

  • Batteries for Mobile Phones
  • Batteries for Digital Cameras
  • Batteries for Notebooks
  • Batteries for Cordless Phones
  • Batteries for Camcorder/Video
  • Batteries for Radio Equipment
  • Batteries for Power Tools
  • Head Phones Batteries
  • Accumulator Packs
  • Replacement Batteries
  • Battery Accessoires
  • Battery Chargers
  • Miniature Battery Cells Lithium
  • Miniature Battery Cells Alkaline
  • LED products

You will be responsible for the translation of article data and shop content to your language in the first place. After the shop is up and running you will handle the incoming orders and answer customer inquiries.

Interested? Then contact us now!

Giseke GmbH & Co. KG
Pankstraße 8-10
D- 13127 Berlin

Tel: +49 (030) 424 10 90
Fax: +49 (030) 42 80 49 50

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Business partner wanted

The company Giseke GmbH & Co. KG has been founded in 1990. As a wholesale organisation the company supplies a variety of batteries and rechargeable batteries to both retailers and wholesale dealers.

We are keen to deliver to our customers from a large choice of quality products at competitive price.

Your questions, orders and inquiries are most welcome.

Giseke GmbH & Co. KG
Pankstraße 8-10
D- 13127 Berlin

Tel: +49(030)424 10 90
Fax: +49(030)42 80 49 50